Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How many times do hospital nurses have to wash their hands and/or replace their gloves

It depends on how many patients they care for. They should be washing their hands with each patient contact and before they glove and after they glove also they need to wash them well after they use the BR. themselves. If the person has infectious stool or drainage you also would not want to move the organisms from one part of their body to the other. You never really know if there are breaks in the integrity of the gloves. So you would use one pair for wiping their peri area, then wash and re-glove to suction them. Some procedures only require that one uses clean gloves and others require sterile gloving. There are some procedures that do not require gloves at all, but proper hand washing technique is still the most important step in keeping well.


  Refer: Carmel Maalouf

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