Monday, November 4, 2019

What are some important things to know as a cardiac nurse?

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Things to know:

  1. Cardiac rhythms
  3. Cardiac meds and diuretics
  4. Cardiac muscle structure and function
  5. Understand, I mean really understand all forms of MI and stroke. 
  6. Labs associated with the above
  7. Understand hypertension and meds
  8. Understand how diuretics influence kidney and cardiovascular function
  9. Understand anticoagulant function and associated labs and the physical manifestations of bleeding
  10. Know the code cart like the back of your hand.  Know how to use the equipment
  11. Understand and know how to physically use various oxygen delivery systems such as BiPAP and CPAP and non-rebreather masks
  12. Get very good at placing large-bore IVs
  13. Understand pacemakers and their associated influences on EKG rhythms and what it looks like when they aren't working
  14. Recognize the various lung sounds and their clinical significance.  Particularly, fluid overload.
  15. Understand COPD and interventions
  16. Have strong general nursing skills as all the body systems are connected and can influence the heart.
  17. Understand ABGs

- Frank